Information on Each Partner Institution
- 資料は過年度のものである場合があるため、ご注意ください。
- 協定校によっては連絡先が掲載されている場合がありますが、直接質問はしないでください。たとえ学内推薦を得た後であっても、派遣先大学から合格通知が届くまでは協定校への問い合わせは控えてください。
See "Cross Search for Programs" page and select "交換/海外留学プログラム Exchange/Study Abroad Programs" so that you can find the information on each institution. You can also narrow down your search by country/region, field of study etc.
- Note that these information may be from past years.
- Some institutions list their contact information, but please do not ask questions directly to them. Please note that you should not contact the partner institutions directly even after you have been granted candidacy status, until you receive the notification of acceptance from that institution.