A Project Sponsored by the “Initiatives for Attractive Education in Graduate Schools” Grant of the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science

International Training Workshop for Psychotherapy (ITWP)
Basics of Psychodynamic Understanding

On 11th-12th March, the first workshop was held in Hawaii. Here, we have a first report of results from the workshop.

Program Content

March 11: Self Experience for Self-Understanding
Session 1: Large Group Experience
9:00 -10:30
H. Kotani, M. Kissen
Session 2: Small Group Experience
11:00 - 12:00
all faculty
Session 3: Small Group Experience
13:30 - 14:30
all faculty
Session 4: Small Group Experience
14:45 - 15:45
all faculty
Session 5: Large Group Experience
16:00 - 17:30
H. Kotani, M.Kissen
Psychodynamic Dinner

March 12: Learning from Case Studies through Systems Discussion

Case Seminar I : 8:30 - 12:45

Understanding a female adolescent process
Co-Chairs: Judith Davis and Seth Aronson
Case Presentation
8:30 - 9:15
Presenter: Tomoko James,

Assistant Instructor,ICU Institute for Advanced Studies of Clinical Psychology

Small Group Discussion
9:30 - 11:00
Supervisors: all faculty
Whole Group Integration
11:15 -12:45
Case Seminar II : 14:00 - 18:00
Understanding a male adolescent process
Co-Chairs: Morton Kissen and Hidefumi Kotani
Case Presentation
14:00 - 14:45
Presenter: Kazunori Hashimoto, Psychologist, Counseling Center,

The University of Tokyo

Small Group Discussion
15:00 - 16:30
Supervisors: all faculty
Whole Group Integration
16:45 - 18:00
Psychodynamic Farewell


Faculty: 13( 3 from America, 1 from Taiwan, 9 from Japan)
Participants: 48 (1 from America, 9 from Taiwan, 38 from Japan; 31 from students from our university and psychological consulting services stuff, 5 from Kobe, 2 from Tokyo)

<Feedback from participants (extracts)>

From Faculty
“What Trainees Gained From Self Experience Group”
Discovery of different parts of the self-images which are not accustomed to trainees, Exploitation of not-used sensibility, Improvement of motivations by discovering unsolved tasks and having a sense of solidarity as a person who go through training

“On the Structure of Self Experience Group Where Small Group and Large Group Are Combined”
Within a short period of time, each individual was able to touch his/her self from various perspectives and understand it.

“What Trainees Gained from Case Seminar”
As they were provided by both male and female adolescent cases, they developed their case understandings from various perspectives, dimensions, and level, especially, those who are in entry level experienced excitement of dynamic case understandings.

“On the Structure of System Discussion Where Small Group and Large Group Were Combined at the Case Seminar”
What lacked in the small group can be filled in the large group. Learn how veterans see the case.

“On the Meaning of Conducting Self Experience and Case Seminar as Basics of Psychodynamic Understanding”
Through the self experience, they gained the perspectives of being able to go through the psychodynamic understandings without pushing themselves aside.

From Participants
“What We Gained from Self Experience Group”
(In small group) I was able to express myself as well as become aware of new side of me through listening to the expression of other group member. At the same time, it meant to encounter others and I felt the weight of two-way interaction.
(In large group) My anxiety over having a responsibility as a therapist, going through the training, and getting by as a clinician was big, and fear of understanding myself was grown. After I finished sessions in the small group and got back to the large group; however, I was able to create my empty space a bit and have an exciting feeling.
(Through the process of the small and large group) I could have an experience of defining what matters to me, what I want to value, what I want to develop and how I want to value and develop by using the stimulation from the group.

“How the Self Experience Helped to Learn the Basics of Psychodynamic Understanding”
I felt that recognizing the way I am now is related to accepting the way client exit when understanding client. This point of view, as a basis of dynamic understanding, will help me to accept the client as it is and find dynamics there based upon actual therapy sessions.

“What I Learned from Case Seminar”
Depending on the assessment of the case, there exist all sorts of way to construct hypothesis.
Maintaining clinical attitude by therapist’s continuous thinking of his/her free association and reaction

“How I Experienced Trainers”
There were feelings of respect, wanting to lean on, and tackle and challenge the trainers. In the groups, I learned the feeling of security provided by the existence of the therapist, the use of free association, expressing and talking about here and now feelings, and maintaining the positive regard.

We are going to have more details in the following second report of results.

In addition,

"1st International Conference of Psychotherapy Education and Training-Towards Validation for Training Standards of Psychotherapy- What and how should we train students?"

will be held this fall, on 3th -5th November, having our university president as an organizer. Specific program information will be announced in the second reports of the results.

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