ICU 日本語教育50周年記念行事


Assessment in a Digital Age:
A Model for English Language Arts

last updated on April 25, 2003

    講演者  Prof. Clifford Hill
         Arthur I. Gates Professor of Language and Education
         Teachers College, Columbia University

    テーマ  Assessment in a Digital Age: A Model for English Language Arts

    日 時  5月9日(金)午後5時〜8時

    場 所  国際基督教大学 アラムナイハウス2階
    参加費  \2000



 The presentation will report on a collaborative project by the College Board and Columbia University, in which digital technologies are used to construct and evaluate an assessment model for the Pacesetter Program. This program is sponsored nationally by the College Board to prepare culturally diverse students for higher education. As indicated by Census 2000, immigrant populations are rapidly expanding in the United States and an increasing proportion of them are seeking admission to higher education.

 The presentation will be divided into two sections:

(1) an assessment model characterized as grounded constructivism will be illustrated with sample tasks in the three areas of Pacesetter English: literature, film, and media (the model is designed so that students move through an integrated sequence of activities in which they first use digital tools to organize information that they then draw on as they respond to constructivist activities)

(2) evaluation of student responses to the tasks will be illustrated with

(a) a rubric based on content, clarity, critical/creative thinking

(b) a process log that provides information about strategiesムfor example, previewing and revisingムthat students use as they respond to the tasks.

 The presentation will conclude with a focus on major benefits of digital assessment. With respect to students, such assessment provides access to integrated mediaムprint, sound, imageムand digital tools necessary for working with these media. Since students are increasingly accustomed to using a computer at school and at home, digital assessment is especially informative about how well they are prepared to participate in a modern society.

 With respect to evaluators, digital assessment provides access not only to the ヤwhatユ but also to the ヤhowユ of a student response. The process log enables evaluators to provide feedback about how students respond (e.g., how much time they spend previewing various components of a task and how much time they spend revising their response). In effect, digital assessment can provide a diagnostic dimension at the same time that it provides information for other major functions of assessmentムselecting, placing, or certifying students.



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