ICU 日本語教育50周年記念行事


Using Technology to Advance the Humanities Agenda

last updated on May 27, 2003

    講演者  宮川繁先生
         Professor of Linguistics
         Kochi-Manjiro Professor of Japanese Language and Culture

    テーマ  人文科学発展を目指すテクノロジー利用
          (Using Technology to Advance the Humanities Agenda)

    日 時  6月4日(水)午後3時〜5時

    場 所  国際基督教大学 本館260号室

    参加費  なし(出欠の連絡も不要です。ご自由にご参加下さい。)


     Shigeru Miyagawa teaches linguistics and Japanese cultural courses. In
     linguistics he has published nearly fifty articles and two books in the
     areas of syntax, morphology, and Japanese linguistics. He also produces
     multimedia programs for education. He is the Executive Producer of
     StarFestival, a multimedia program about cultural identity that is being
     used around the country. He also founded JP NET, a 20,000 web-page site
     for Japanese language and culture ( He is also the
     Executive Producer of Little Tiger, a multi-linear narrative about being a
     Chinese-American. He is also collaborating with John W. Dower (Pulitzer
     Prize winner for Embracing Defeat) on a project to visualize cultures
     through use of technology. For his work in media and education, he was
     awarded the Irwin Sizer Award for the Most Significant Improvement to MIT
     Education. He was recently recognized by the Converge magazine as a
     "Shaper of the Future." StarFestival received a Distinguished Award from
     Multimedia Grandprix and Best of Show at MacWorld. His projects have been
     supported by the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S.
     Department of Education, Canon, Fujitsu, NEC, and Nippon
     Foundation. Miyagawa received his B.A. from the International Christian
     University in Tokyo in 1975, and his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona
     in 1980. Prior to joining the MIT faculty, he was at the Ohio State
     University where he was the Chair of the Department of East Asian Languages
     and Literatures.


      MITでは、人文科学にテクノロジーを応用する試みを続けてきた。日本関連分野でも、JP NET(日本語・日本文化プロジェクト)から
     シリーズを作成している。現在は、「敗北を抱きしめて」でピューリッツァー賞を受賞したMITのJohn W. Dowerと協同で、
     テクノロジーを使って、150年前のペリー来航のような歴史的な出来事に新たな光を当てる試みに取り組んでいる。 本講演では、

     At MIT, we have experimented with application of technology to humanities.
     In Japan-related areas, we have one of the most ambitious series of
     technology-based projects led by Shigeru Miyagawa, from JP NET, a Japanese
     language and culture project, to StarFestival, a multi-linear narrative to
     explore cultural identity. In a collaboration with the Pulitzer prize
     winner, John W. Dower ("Embracing Defeat") of MIT, we are also exploring
     use of technology as a way to shed new light on historical events such as
     the arrival of Commodore Perry in Japan 150 years ago.

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          181-8585 東京都三鷹市大沢3-10-2
          TEL 0422-33-3191  FAX 0422-33-3631

  武蔵境駅南口2番乗り場 境93系統 国際基督教大学行き 終点下車(所要時間12分)
  調布駅北口 11番乗り場 境91系統 武蔵境駅南口行き 富士重工前下車(所要時間25分)


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〒181-8585 東京都三鷹市3-10-2 電話:0422-33-3191 FAX:0422-33-3631
