ICU 日本語教育50周年記念行事


last updated on January 30, 2004

    講演者  メリー・ホワイト博士 (ボストン大学教授・ハーバード大学ライシャワー研究所研究員)

    テーマ  JLP 50周年レクチャーシリーズ6 「帰国子女再考:国際化からグローバル化へ」

    日 時  2月9日(月)午後3時15分−4時45分

    場 所  国際基督教大学 第2教育研究棟301号室 (ERB2 301)

    参加費  なし(出欠の連絡も不要です。ご自由にご参加下さい。)


Merry White, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Boston University and Research Affiliate at Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University, is a leading American anthropologist of Japanese education and popular culture. She has published widely on Japanese social and educational problems, including gender issues, youth culture and the plight of Japanese returnees. Some of her well-known books include: Perfectly Japanese: Making Families in an Era of Upheaval (2002), her provocative The Material Child: Coming of Age in Japan and America (1993), Challenging Tradition: Women in Japan (1991), The Japanese Overseas: Can They Come Home Again? (1988), and her classic: The Japanese Educational Challenge: A Commitment to Children (1987). These books have each had a profound impact on popular views of Japan in the U.S., and have been widely read in Japan. She has also published many book chapters and journal articles and appears frequently in Japanese media and magazines, such as Newsweek (Japan Edition). Her voice in educational issues is widely respected and sought after in places such as the advisory board of the Harvard Project on Schooling and Children and in the United States Congress. Her contribution to our understanding of Japanese culture, society and education is monumental, highly current, and intensely relevant across a wide span of pursuits.     

In the past twenty-five years, the Japanese who leave Japan for work or study have experienced a major shift in attitudes and opportunities. From favored elites whose overseas experience enhanced their already secure status, to stigmatized marginals, to persons with needed skills, the returnees have seen big changes in their own lives, reflecting changes in the wider society and in Japanユs place in the world.

  お問い合わせ  国際基督教大学日本語教育課程
          181-8585 東京都三鷹市大沢3-10-2
          TEL 0422-33-3191  FAX 0422-33-3631

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  調布駅北口 11番乗り場 境91系統 武蔵境駅南口行き 富士重工前下車(所要時間25分)


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国際基督教大学教養学部 日本語教育課程事務室
〒181-8585 東京都三鷹市3-10-2 電話:0422-33-3191 FAX:0422-33-3631
