ICU Society for the Study of Comparative Culture 国際基督教大学 比較文化研究会
ICU Comparative Culture : Abstracts of theses 『ICU比較文化』 論文要旨

All the abstracts and articles are uploaded by the permission of the authors, and their copyrights belong to the authors and the Society.


Note: * indicates a thesis/an article in English, ** in German and *** in French; otherwise theses/articles are written in Japanese.

凡例: *は本文の執筆言語が英語であることを、**はドイツ語、***はフランス語であることをそれぞれ示す。無印は日本語。

No. 43 (March 2011)
疲弊した地域社会の再生に向けて ── 八ッ場ダム問題の現状と課題 ──
Rebuilding the Exhausted Community: The Current Situations and Issues of Conflicts over Yanba Dam
The Udon Economy: Food and Tourism in Kagawa Prefecture
うどんの経済学 ── 香川県におけるフードツーリズム ──*
Teneal JONES
宇宙時代の英雄像 ── 1960年代アメリカのエートスと未来 ──
The Heroic Image of the Space Age: American Ethos and Its Future in the1960s
Yoshitaka AOTO

This article aims to reveal the four characteristics of the heroic image of American astronauts in the Cold War era. In 1959, Life magazine started exclusive contract with the astronauts. On a tacit agreement, the magazine was forced to depict them as ideal American models. At the same time, the astronauts were also forced to act in that manner, because they represented the United States and raced in space against the USSR. That paradoxically means one can discover the essence of the ideal American models in the Cold War period, by closely examining the articles about the astronauts in Life magazines.

The author explored all the issues of Life magazines which featured the astronauts and the American space programs, and analyzed seven to demonstrate how the astronauts were defined in Life magazines.

Conclusion is as follows; the astronauts were the national heroes who embodied the ideal American models in four different ways. Firstly, they were brave and patriotic; they had the right stuff. Secondly, the astronauts loved their families. Thirdly, they were good Christians. The three above reflected American ethos from the late 1950s to the 1960s, and were the requirements to establish the astronauts as national heroes. Finally, they were those who scientifically shaped the hopeful future of the United States. Indeed, they were required to have highly advanced scientific and engineering knowledge to carry out the Apollo Program. And moreover, space in the 1960s was the place where the future would develop. By exploring space, the astronauts demonstrated the progressive view of history which the Americans of the 1960s held.

Le travail du chiffonnier dans les images urbaines de Chris Marker
Uncanny Houses, Sinister Homes: A Study of the Motif of the House in Gothic Literature
不気味な家庭、邪悪な家 ── ゴシック小説における家の表象 ──*
Samantha LANDAU
Le marronnage reconsidéré dans L'esclave vieil homme et le molosse de Patrick Chamoiseau
Hiroshi MATSUI