Fundraising Campaign Report

Donations to the 60th Anniversary Commemoration Fund has exceeded a total of 2.3 billion 23.6 million yen from more than 10,000 gifts.

寄付総額 Total contributions

2011年4月の開始以来5年間の募金期間中に、目標額36億円に対して11,840件のご寄付の申し込みがあり、総額は23億2,360万円となりました(達成率65%)。これには、Friends of ICU へのご寄付や在校生保護者からの教育研究資金等へのご寄付、および JICUF(Japan ICU Foundation) からの寄付も含まれています。

In the five years since the project started in April 2011, we received 11,840 gifts of 2.3 billion 23.6 million yen in total. The target we set was 3.6 billion yen, so the achievement rate was 65%. This includes donations to the Friends of ICU and donations to the Educational and Research Fund from students’ parents and that from the JICUF(Japan ICU Foundation).

寄付額(使途別) Donations(according to use)

ご寄付の使途別では「キャンパス・教育環境の改善」が15億3,073万円(目標額19億円、達成率81%)、「給付奨学金制度の充実」が5億3,345 万円(目標額15億円、達成率36%)、「アカデミック・プログラムの充実」が8,032万円(目標額2億円、達成率40%)でした。また、「献学60周年募金全体への寄付」として1億7,911万円のご寄付がありました。

We received 1.5 billion 30.73 million yen(Target 1. 9 billion yen, achievement rate 81%)in donations for Improvement of Campus and Educational Environment, 533.45 million yen (Target 1.5 billion yen, achievement rate 36%)for improving financial aid, and 80.32 million yen(Target 200 million yen, achievement rate 40%)for improving the academic program. Donations to the 60th Anniversary Commemoration Fund overall amounted to a total of 179.11 million yen.

The donations we received will be used to create the next 60 years.

キャンパス・教育環境の改善 Improvement of the campus and educational environment


We installed an artificial turf in the athletic field in April 2013. The project was realized with the university matching donations from alumni, consisting mainly from those who played on sports teams while at ICU. The ICU Sakura Fund established in April 2014 to regenerate the cherry trees on campus was supported by alumni of all ages, achieving its target during the two-year project to build a financial foundation for the purpose. In April 2015, the ICU Used Book Sale Fund was established to donate the proceeds of used book sales to fund acquisitions in the library. Currently, we have a new campus plan with ongoing construction of two new dormitories, and plans to build a new gymnasium and Main Building.

フィールド人工芝化募金 Artificial Turf Project


The university matched donations from alumni, mostly those who played on sports teams while at ICU, to install an artificial turf on the athletic grounds.

ICU桜募金 ICU Sakura Fund


This Sakura Fund was established to collect funds for a project to regenerate cherry trees on campus, During the two-year project, we built a firm financial foundation for the purpose with donations from alumni.

ICU古本募金 ICU Used Booksale Donations


Fondness for books was translated into donations. Used books were collected and sold, the proceeds donated to the library to fund new acquisitions.

給付奨学金制度の充実 Development of Financial Aid

ICU Peace Bell奨学金は、卒業生の呼びかけで2008年4月に設置された給付型の奨学金です。これまでに1,200名以上のご寄付者から4億7,000万円を超える寄付申込みをいただき、既に100名の奨学生が生まれています。とりわけ献学60周年記念事業募金期間中には、この奨学金のため、1億7000万円を超えるご寄付を賜り、制度の存続にご貢献いただきました。また、2011年に開始した東日本大震災特別措置(被災学生支援)のためにも374件、1,900万円のご支援をいただき、特別措置は現在も継続されています。

Alumni established the ICU Peace Bell Scholarship in April 2008. Donors supporting this grant have exceeded 1,200, contributing a total of 508 million yen. A hundred Peace Bell Scholars have graduated from ICU. During the 60th Anniversary Commemoration Period, we received more than 208 million yen as donations for this scholarship. We also received 376 gifts of approximately 19 million yen to support students who were affected by the Great Kanto Earthquake under the Special Measures for the Great Kanto Earthquake(Support for students affected by the disaster)established in 2011. This measure remains effective today.

ICU Peace Bell 奨学金 ICU Peace Bell scholarship

一人を支える、ひとりひとり Individual donors play a significant role in supporting each Peace Bell Scholar


A system unique to ICU supported mostly by alumni, Peace Bell Scholarships started with the image of passing a lit torch along from one generation to the next. undergraduate students apply for the scholarships before entering the university and receive aid for all four years of their study.

アカデミック・プログラムの充実 Enhancing the Academic Program

献学60周年記念事業期間中は「対話(Dialogue)」をテーマとして、国際会議、シンポジウム、講演会など、58に及ぶイベントを開催しました。また、サービスラーニング・プログラムや社会人を対象とした国際的人材育成に関するプログラムも実施し、次の60年に繋がるアカデミック・プログラムの充実を図りました。さらに、宮川繁教授(マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)言語学教授、MIT 高知県・ジョン万次郎日本語日本文化講座教授)とウィリアム・スティール教授(国際基督教大学教養学部歴史学教授)を献学60周年記念教授として招聘し、キャンパスに居住し学生とも身近に接する中で一般教育科目、専攻科目を担当していただくことを通じて、リベラル・アーツ教育の深化を図りました。

During the 60th Anniversary Commemoration period, 58 events on the theme Dialogue, including international conferences, symposia, and lectures. We implemented service learning programs and international global human resource programs for mature students to enhance our academic program for the next 60 years. We invited Professor Shigeru Miyagawa (Linguistics Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Kochi-John Manjiro Professor of Japanese Language and Culture)and Professor William Steele(Professor of History at ICU)as 60th Anniversary Professors. They lived on campus close to students, teaching General Education and specialized courses to enhance our liberal arts education.

宮川 繁 MIYAGAWA, Shigeru
MIT 高知県・ジョン万次郎日本語日本文化講座教授

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Head, Foreign Languages and Literatures Chair,MIT
OpenCourseWare Faculty Advisory Committee

Professor of Linguistics
Kochi Prefecture-John Manjiro Professor of Japanese Language
and Culture

スティール, M. ウィリアム
STEELE, M. William

International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
Professor of History

60 anniversary fund-raising activities that expand the horizons of the donation for the future.
Donations participation rate of graduates is now 15.1 percent.


60th anniversary fund-raising has expanded the horizons of the donation to the ICU as the center graduates. Especially “ICU Sakura fundraising” large spread of donations was triggered by, earlier in donations participation rate of graduates was 7.5% is, after the end has doubled to 15.1%. 60 anniversary donation will end March 31, 2016, fund-raising activities of the future, on top of the large spread of this donation person, it will be Yuku been newly deployed.

卒業生参加率 Alumni participation rate

卒業生寄付参加率 15.1% Alumni participation rates of contribution now 15.1%
