
September 28, 2013


ICU Counseling Center’s
50th Anniversary Symposium

プログラム Program


Future of Study and Counseling at ICU.


counseling for students with diverse backgrounds

本学献学60周年記念事業の一環として、2013年9月28日(土)に「ICUカウンセリングセンター50周年記念シンポ ジウム」が開催されました。本学東ヶ崎潔記念ダイアログハウス内国際会議室を会場として行われた本シンポジウムは、カウンセリングセンター設立50周年を記にその歴史を振り返り、近年における課題を議論して将来への足がかりを得ることを目指したものです。

ICU held a symposium on 28 September 2013 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ICU Counseling Center. The symposium was held in the International Conference Center of the Togasaki Kiyoshi Dialogue House. The event aimed to look back at the center’s past, examine recent topics of importance, and establish a footing on which to move forward.


President Junko Hibiya opened the symposium with a greeting to those gathered. Akari Watanabe, one of the center’s counselors, gave a video presentation showing the start of the counseling center and illustrating how it gradually grew to take shape on campus. Kenji Sakamoto, also a counselor at ICU, showed the results of surveys the center has conducted to help clarify the issues that still lie ahead.

窪内節子山梨英和大学副学長による基調講演「ICUでの学びと学生相談のこれから」では、 ICUを修了しカウンセリングセンターでの勤務経験のある窪内先生が、ICUで学んだことを基礎に「原初的な気持ちのむすびつき」に注目しながら生きづらい学生の支援に取り組んでおられる、その実践について示唆に富む紹介がありました。

Setsuko Kubouchi, ICU alumna and vice president of Yamanashi Eiwa College, delivered a keynote address on the topic of the “Future of Study and Counseling at ICU.” Professor Kubouchi discussed her experience working at a university counseling center, explained how she learned about “primitive emotional ties” at ICU, and talked in depth about how she has worked to help students who have difficulty with everyday life.


This was followed by a panel discussion on counseling for students with diverse backgrounds. Joining the discussion were Yoshihiko Terashima (counselor, ICU), Kiyoko Sasaki (counselor for foreign students, Sophia University), Tatsuo Nunoshiba (professor, ICU, Life Sciences and Environmental Studies) and Fumi Yabe (director of student life, Waseda University, Hiyoshi Campus). The diverse panelists were able to address the topic from various perspectives while numerous questions from the audience also helped enrich the discussion.
