
April 22, 2013



Lecture by Professor Donald Keene

Japan: A Country of
Boundless Beauty


On April 22, 2013 (Mon.), as part of the events commemorating the 60th founding of ICU, world-renowned Japanese literature researcher Professor Donald Keene (Professor Emeritus at Columbia University), delivered a lecture entitled “Japan: A Country of Boundless Beauty.” At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Tzvetana introduced Dr. Keene as “a person who has dedicated his entire life to Japanese culture” and mentioned that Dr. Keene first visited Japan in 1953, the year of the founding of ICU. Pointing out the connection between the two, she mentioned that the lecture was a fitting way of commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of ICU, and then the dialogue began.


To the first question, “What is the essence of Japanese literature?,” Professor Keene responded from two angles, the characteristics of the Japanese language itself and the characteristics seen in the content of Japanese literature.
The characteristics of the Japanese language itself include the fact that Japanese is a syllabic language. With languages such as English, poetry and prose are typically differentiated from one another by the presence of absence of end rhymes (correspondence in terminal sounds) and meter (rhythm based on long and short or stressed and unstressed sounds). By contrast, Japanese is marked by syllables of the same length, absence of end rhymes and meters due to absence of accents, and poetic use of language by defining the number of syllables used, e.g. the seven-five syllable meter. As a result, with Japanese, the boundary between poetry and prose becomes vague. Dr. Keene gave an example of a work by the late Edo period writer Bakin, which is not poetry, although it is written mostly in the seven-five syllable meter.

一方、日本文学の内容については、手紙に見られる時候の挨拶や俳句の季語などを例として、日本語による文学的表現ではなにかしら自然が扱われていることを特徴として挙げ、「愛もまた季節と結びつけて表現するのが常套」と、日本文学と自然との分かちがたい結びつきを指摘しました。そして、それは四季の移り変わりの感覚に由来し、その感覚がまた歌人たちによって形成されてきたものであることに言及して、季ごとに歌を配置した構成もふくめて「『古今集』の影響は 大きい」と結びました。

The characteristics seen in the content of Japanese literature include the fact that literary expression in Japanese treats nature on some level. Examples of this include seasonal greetings in letters and season words in haiku. Dr. Keene pointed out the inseparable connection between Japanese literature and nature, saying “It is conventional to express love by linking it with the seasons.” He mentioned that this originates from the perception of the changing of the four seasons, a perception that was in turn shaped by poets, and concluded with the words, “The influence of ‘A Collection of Ancient and Modern Poetry’ is great” because among other reasons, it arranges poems by season.


The dialogue that followed was an active one. While responding to questions skillfully asked by Professor Tzvetana, Dr. Keene discussed reasons for the low level of interest in classical Japanese literature in the modern age and problems with classical Japanese instruction in high schools that place undue emphasis on grammar, which is related to the aforementioned low level of interest. He also dwelled on memories of life in Kyoto as a young man, episodes involving writers such as Kafu Nagai, Junichiro Tanizaki, and Kobo Abe, favorite places in Japan, and favorite Japanese foods. At times strict, at times relaxed, Dr. Keene crossed space and time and touched upon many subjects.
The questions asked by Professor Tzvetana were in fact collected in advance from her students. At the end, Professor Keene also graciously responded to each and every question from students in attendance, and his 90-minute lecture ended, leaving behind a rich afterglow.

