
May 11, 2013 


Exhibition Game
Between TUFS,
ICU Football Teams


One of the regularly held exhibition games
between the football teams of
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
(The Phantoms) and ICU (the Apostles)
was held at latter's new playing field on 11 May.

本学と東京外国語大学が2009年に「教育・研究等の連携・協力に関する基本協定書」を締結し、その一貫としてスポーツ交流が提唱されたことを契機に、2011年からアメリカンフットボール部の定期交流戦(ICU Apostles 対 外語大 Phantoms)を開始しました。本交流戦は、両大学OB・OGの支援を受けて実施されています。今回は、関東学生アメリカンフットボール連盟の神戸一成理事長、前川誠事務局長が交流戦の開催、人工芝の設置の祝賀として来学されました。

TUFS and ICU concluded an agreement in 2009 to work cooperatively in the areas of education and research. One part of that is interaction through sports, of which the football games, started in 2011, are an example. These games are held through the support of the alumni of both schools. The chair of the board of directors and the director of the Kantoh Collegiate Football Association, Kazunari Kanbe and Makoto Maekawa, attended the game and helped celebrate the ICU's new playing field.
Before the start of the game, captains from both schools gave team pennants to TUFS President Hirotaka Tateishi and ICU President Junko Hibiya. President Hibiya led the pre-game coin toss.

本年4月に設置された人工芝のフィールドでの最初の公式試合は、あいにくの雨天でしたが、人工芝の威力が発揮され、水たまりやぬかるみはできず、選手たちは晴天時と同様に快走。サイドラインには両大学のチアリーダー(ICU Angels と外語大 Rams)が応援を行い、試合を盛り上げました。
過去2回は、Apostlesが勝利を収めましたが、今年の試合は逆転の続く白熱した試合となりました。スコアは14-0と当初Phantomsが先行 (2タッチダウンによる14点)、その後Apostlesが追いつき同点となり(14-14、2タッチダウンによる14点)さらに14-16(セーフ ティーによる2点)と逆転しました。しかし、試合時間残り4秒でPhantomsがフィールドゴールによる3点を獲得して逆転。17-16と1点差で Apostlesが惜敗しました。

This was the first public game held on the artificial turf installed on ICU's athletic grounds this April. In the rainy conditions, the new turf showed its mettle: it resisted pooling of rainwater and, with no mud, the players were able to enjoy a game as if in fair weather.
The cheerleaders from TUFS (the "Rams") and ICU (the "Angels") spurred the teams on from the sidelines.
ICU's Apostles won each of the exhibition games in the past two years, and this year was a spirited faceoff with the Phantoms gaining a 14-0 lead only to be made up by two touchdowns and a safety by the Apostles to bring the score to 14-16. The Phantoms were able in the final seconds of the game to score a field goal to win the game, 17-16.

試合後は、本学学生食堂において懇親会が行われ、両大学関係者、OB・OG.現役部員が交流を深めました。3年目ともなると双方に顔見知りができ、これま で以上に交流が発展した懇親会となりました。両大学とも秋の公式戦に向けて、3部優勝、2部昇格を目指しています。来年の交流試合は、外語大で行われる予定です。
ICU Apostlesおよび外語大 Phantomsは現在、関東学生アメリカンフットボール部連盟の3部(4部制)に所属している体育会のチームです。3部には4ブロック(1ブロック6 チーム)あり、PhantomsはCブロック、ApostlesはDブロックに所属。公式戦は秋季のみで、ブロック優勝して2部の下位チームとの入れ替え 戦に勝つと、2部への昇格となります(2部は1ブロック8チーム)。過去5年間の両チームの成績は、以下のとおりです。

After the game, a reception was held at ICU's dining hall for people involved with the game and for TUFS and ICU alumni. After three years of playing one another, players and other knew people from the other school by sight to make the reception a convivial one. Next year's game will be held at TUFS. The Apostles and Phantoms are both division-three teams of the Kantoh Collegiate Football Association (out of a total of 4 divisions). Division-three comprises 4 "blocks" with 6 teams each. The Apostles are in block D and the Phantoms in block C. Their only game against one another is in the autumn. If division-three's highest ranked team defeats division-two's lowest ranked team then the division-three team will be moved up to division-two (which has a single block of 8 teams). The Apostles and Phantoms ranked as follows for the past five years.



(写真撮影 三澤正男さん CLA20期、ID76)

Apostles 2008 Division-three Block A,
1st (won promotion match, moved up to division-two)
2009 Division-two Block B,
8th (lost promotion match, moved down to division-three)
2010 Division-three Block A, 3rd
2011 Division-three Block D, 3rd
2012 Division-three Block C,
1st (lost promotion match, stayed in division-three)

Phantoms 2008 Division-three Block D, 6th
2009 Division-three Block D, 2nd
2010 Division-three Block B, 3rd
2011 Division-three Block A,
1st (won promotion match, moved up to division-two)
2012 Division-two Block B,
8th (lost promotion match, moved down to division-three)

(Photos: Masao Misawa, ‘76)
