海外フランス語研修 French Studies Abroad (WFR151)

※以下の資料の閲覧にはICU Net IDでのサインインが必要です。

French Studies Abroad will participate in 4-week-program of French language study at the University of Toulouse - Jean Jaurès during the summer recess while experiencing home-stay and cultural exchange. Upon arrival, a placement test will be conducted and at the end of the program, students will take a standardized French language test (TCF) of which result will be transferred to ICU and counted as part of the grade for the course.
※To view the materials, please sign in with ICU Net ID.


For more information about University of Toulouse, Jean-Jaures, please click here.
The program brochure and information about weekend excursions are available from the following links.

Application Schedule


応募締切:2025/3/13(木) 午後1時


2025/2/21開催 海外フランス語研修説明会資料 *Japanese only

Scholarship Information

(Information in Japanese only)
併願・併給が可能な以下2つの奨学金を紹介します。円安や各種費用高騰が続く中、プログラム参加の一助となります ので、内容をしっかり確認し、積極的に応募してください。

<新設・給付型学内奨学金>ICU留学・体験学習支援奨学金 (海外フランス語研修 渡航費一部補助 上限25万円)

【支援予定人数】 海外フランス語研修参加者 若干名
【支援額】 上限25万円


【支援可能人数】 海外フランス語研修参加者 14名
【支援額】 8万円(増額の可能性があります)


【応募締め切り】2025年3月14日(木)13時(厳守)  (海外フランス語研修の期限に準ずる)

Report by participant





I started studying French in the spring semester of my sophomore year and decided to participate in the program to improve my language skills with a view to studying abroad in France. As I had never studied abroad before and had learned English in Japan, it was an new experience for me to "learn a language while using it locally," but since the University of Toulouse is an exchange school with which ICU has an agreement, I thought it would be a good opportunity to actually visit the campus.

During the program, I learned French by using it on a daily basis through conversations at school and with my host family. Classes were divided into different levels, and there were also events to introduce each other's culture in classes where students from various countries/backgrounds were learning French. After school, we spent time walking around the city, watching movies, and on weekends, we went to Bordeaux and had a wonderful vacation in the south of France.

Study abroad experience taught me the advantages of studying languages both in Japan and locally, and my study plan after returning to my home country became clearer. While in Toulouse, I focused on taking advantage of local resources as much, I continued learning after coming back by doing repetitive learning using systematic resources of grammar and vocabulary available in the country.

Blessed with homestay families and friends I met in Toulouse, I found myself feeling there like a "place to return to" for me. Through the program, my choice of study abroad destinations for the next year narrowed down to French-speaking countries, and as a result, I decided to study at the University of Toulouse. I believe that this four-week experience helped point the way for me to the next step."

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