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The Heart of Mingei (2023.3.22)

This spring, the Hachirō Yuasa Memorial Museum celebrates its fortieth anniversary of opening with the special exhibition, “The Heart of Mingei,” and the publication of The Heart of Mingei.

The Heart of Mingei is a transcription of the first, and sadly the last, lecture series on mingei given to ICU students by Dr. Yuasa in 1978. It was originally edited as the first booklet for ICU’s General Education Program, and was later published to commemorate the opening of the Museum in 1982.

Dr. Yuasa’s strong will to pass on his vision of life through mingei and his vision on the educational ideals of ICU are clearly presented in this publication. The Museum hopes to reach out to a wider range of readers; the new edition contains new color plates and a full English translation by Dr. M. William Steele.

The Heart of Mingei. (paperback, 300 pages) can be purchased at the Museum, or from Kyobunkwan's store or online.

[Kyobunkwan's Online Store, in Japanese]

Guide to the Archaeological Exhibition
展示品解説 考古資料
Guide to the Archaeological Exhibition
1984 / 34 pages / JE
¥900 (ICU students:¥700) →SOLD OUT
An Introduction to Japanese Archaeology
An Introduction to Japanese Archaeology
1993 / 32 pages / E
¥1,100 (ICU studenst:¥800)
Japanese Paper Stencil Designs
染のかたがみ 文様の展開
Japanese Paper Stencil Designs
1985 / 46 pages / JE
Related to 8th Special Exhibition, “Japanese Paper Stencil Designs”
Cosmetic Articles: Japanese Mirrors and Teeth-blackening Utensils
粧いの道具 柄鏡とお歯黒道具
Cosmetic Articles: Japanese Mirrors and Teeth-blackening Utensils
1986 / 34 pages / JE
¥900 (ICU students: ¥700)
Related to 12th Special Exhibition, “Cosmetic Articles: Japanese Mirrors & Teeth-blackening Utensils”
Japanese Indigo Textiles
Japanese Indigo Textiles
1987 / 32 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,000)
Related to 14th Special Exhibition, “Japanese Indigo Textiles”
Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum FOLK ART COLLECTION
蔵品図録 民芸
Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum FOLK ART COLLECTION
1989 / 62 pages / JE
¥1,500 (ICU students: ¥1,200)
Indonesian Ikats from the Oda Collection
Indonesian Ikats from the Oda Collection
1993 / 44 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,100)
Related to 34th Special Exhibition, “Indonesian Ikats from the Oda Collection”
Japanese Traditional Design from the Museum Collection-KARAKUSA
唐草 湯浅八郎記念館所蔵品にみる日本の文様
Japanese Traditional Design from the Museum Collection—KARAKUSA
1994 / 30 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,100)
Related to 37th Special Exhibition, “Japanese Design V—KARAKUSA”
Japanese Sword Guards from the Ota Collection
太田コレクション 鐔
Japanese Sword Guards from the Ota Collection
1997 / 43 pages / JE
¥900 (ICU students: ¥700)
Japanese Quilting: Sashiko and Kogin
Japanese Quilting: Sashiko and Kogin
1995 / 47 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,100)
Related to 40th Special Exhibition, “Japanese Quilting Sashiko and Kogin
Geometric Patterns and Design of Utensils
幾何・器物 湯浅八郎記念館所蔵品にみる日本の文様
Geometric Patterns and Design of Utensils
2002 / 80 pages / JE
¥1,500 (ICU students: ¥1,200)
Related to 63rd Special Exhibition, “Japanese Design VII—Geometric Patterns and Utensils”
Ingenuity of Japanese Lunch Boxes
Ingenuity of Japanese Lunch Boxes
2005 / 35 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,000)
Related to 72nd Special Exhibition, “Ingenuity of Japanese Lunch Boxes”
25 Keys to Understanding the Museum Collection
25 Keys to Understanding the Museum Collection
2007 / 53 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,000)
Related to 77th Special Exhibition, “25 Keys to Understanding the Museum Collection”
Japanese Paper Stencil Designs
染のかたがみ 文様の展開(増補新版)
Japanese Paper Stencil Designs
2011 / 61 pages / JE
¥1,300 (ICU students: ¥1,000)
Related to 90th Special Exhibition, “Japanese Paper Stencil Designs”
Poking Fun at the Restoration: Satirical Prints in Late 19th Century Japan
Poking Fun at the Restoration: Satirical Prints in Late 19th Century Japan
2012 / 82 pages / JE
¥1,500 (ICU students: ¥1,200)
Related to 93rd Special Exhibition, “Poking Fun at the Restoration: Satirical Prints in Late 19th Century Japan”
History of ICU through Its Buildings
History of ICU through Its Buildings
2014 / 83 pages / JE
¥1,000 (ICU students: ¥800)
Related to 96th Special Exhibition, “History of ICU through Its Buildings”
The One-Mat Room Matsuura Takeshirō's Private Study
一畳敷 松浦武四郎の書斎
The One-Mat Room Matsuura Takeshirō's Private Study
2018 / 80 pages / J
¥2,000 (ICU students: ¥1,500)
Related to 111st Special Exhibition, “Bicentennial Anniversary of the Birth of Matsuura Takeshirō The One–Mat Room at ICU”
Life in Faith
Life in Faith
1979 / 39+39 pages / JE
¥900 (ICU students: ¥700)
Spirit of Mingei
Spirit of Mingei
1982 / 60 pages / J
¥800 (ICU students: ¥600)
Vision to the Youth
Vision to the Youth
1984 / 435 pages / J
¥3,000 (ICU students: ¥3,000)
湯浅八郎述・田中文雄編・湯浅八郎記念館新装版編集『民芸の心 [新装和英版]』
The Heart of Mingei
2023 / 284pages+16pages / J+E
¥2,200 (ICU students:¥1,650)
Taizansō and the One-mat Room
Henry D. Smith, II『泰山荘 松浦武四郎の一畳敷の世界』
Taizansō and the One-mat Room
1993 / 260 pages / JE
¥2,000 (ICU students: ¥1,500)
The Lucky Seventh: Early Horyu-ji and Its Time
J. Edward Kidder『法隆寺とその時代』
The Lucky Seventh: Early Horyu-ji and Its Time
1999 / 450 pages / E
¥5,000 (ICU students: ¥4,000)